HHRC Stands in Solidarity With Asian American Community

AUGUSTA - Hate crimes committed against an Asian American woman in Portland, Maine, on March 15, and the shooting of six Asian women in Atlanta, GA, on March 16, has spread fear among Asian American communities in Maine and abroad. The Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine (HHRC) condemns these attacks and stands in full support and solidarity with the Asian American communities affected by these events. 

HHRC Executive Director Tam Thanh Huynh, who herself is Asian American, released the following statement:

“Hate and racism against Asian Americans should have no home here in Maine and that starts with educating ourselves, our students, and communities on the deep history and legacy of racism and xenophobia in our history as a state and nation. The HHRC stands with the Asian American woman who was attacked in Portland, Maine, and with the Asian American communities across Maine and the country who are mourning the lives lost in the tragic shootings in Georgia.”

“Educating and encouraging individuals and communities to reflect and act upon their moral responsibilities to confront prejudice, intolerance and discrimination is at the very core of the HHRC’s work. Our educators are engaging with teachers, organizations, and communities all across Maine to spread awareness about the importance of taking a stand against hate and prejudice.”

“We ask our fellow Mainers to join the HHRC in condemning anti-Asian racism and xenophobia and to educate themselves and each other on this issue. Over the coming weeks, the HHRC will be launching a campaign to raise awareness of anti-Asian hate, including a panel discussion with Asian American youth on their experiences in Maine. Registrations for the event can be made on the HHRC’s website.”



HHRC Backs Holocaust Education in Maine


Press Release: HHRC Names Tam Huynh as Executive Director