Acceptance of All

By Isaac Dostie

Isaac Dostie painted a piece of work that I think expresses the idea of overall acceptance. In discussing this piece with him, he explained the recent Black Lives Matter rallies and what they have shown: that justice has not been historically given to everybody. Isaac explained that the hands he painted (white and black) reflect the greatness of different races, and in reflecting them off each other, gives a great visual that proves that color really does not matter because we are all fundamentally the same.

With further discussion, Isaac used words that reflected rights that all humans should have regardless of race, gender, or ethnicity. Isaac also reflected the overall differences between humans using the colors that reflect the LGBTQ community. The words that Isaac used on this poster were words that he sees as the most important “rights” that all humans should be entitled to. Taken altogether, this painting symbolizes the vast differences that we experience everyday, but also differences that we need to overcome in order to live in peace.

Matt Colvin, Social Studies Teacher


You Don’t Look Jewish …

